
Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Hook + Yarn = Catharsis

So, between toddler meltdowns and teething babies this week, I still managed to get a few new projects completed for my customers.  Super pumped about that, since normally I don't even get to pee alone...but what Mom does?   I've also been trying to help my DH with his new clean eating/fitness program, so there's a lot of early mornings making lunches and cooking oatmeal going on in my house right now.  I must admit, it feels pretty good to get back into the swing of the WAHM thing.  I crochet a row or round in between diaper changes and feedings, and try and work on my Facebook and Etsy store in between juice refills and pretending to be a scary dragon or brave knight.

All around, if I manage to get all of that done and can send Mr. out the door in freshly ironed work clothes with a healthy lunch I figure I'm doing pretty good.  Which is huge for me to admit, since I have some residual PPD/Mommy guilt from after our first LO was born.  Admitting that I'm doing a good job despite sometimes not getting the laundry put away on the same day that I wash it is huge.  2 years ago I would've felt like a complete and utter failure.  Not now.  Which is why I'm no longer on my meds (Yay!!).  

Crochet has been a kind of outlet for me, it helps to calm my brain down when I start to go into freak out mode about not being "Super" Mom.  Who would've thought that a hook and some yarn would help to pull me out of the pit that PPD tossed me into?  

So, here is some of my yarn therapy from the last week :)  

Custom Order Owl Hat

Cutest.  Thing.  Ever.  Can't wait to see the little one wearing it!!!

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